8gadgetpack 35.0.0 for Windows 10 / 8.1 / 8 Terbaru Download 2024
8gadgetpack 35.0.0 for Windows 10 / 8.1 / 8 Terbaru mungkin kita merasa ada yang kurang ketika melihat windows 8 kita. yup. fiture gadget yang di hilangkan dari windows 7, nah. buat sobat yang merasa ingin mengembalikan fiture tersebut di windows 8, bisa gunakan aplikasi ini sobat. 8GADGETPACK 35.0.0 FOR WINDOWS 8
- Feature of the program is a handy window c settings “8GadgetPack Tools”, which contains the following options:
Disable startup programs; - Reset all the gadgets (back to how things were after the installation);
- Visit the website of the program;
- Leave a review;
- Uninstall applications
Includes gadgets:
- 7 Sidebar
- Agenda
- All CPU Meter
- App Launcher
- Calendar
- Clipboarder
- Chameleon Weather
- Clock
- Control System
- CPU Meter
- Currency
- Custom Calendar
- Digiclock
- DriveInfo
- Drives Monitor
- Drives Meter
- eBay Auction Watch
- Feed Headlines
- Glassy CPU Monitor
- GPU Meter
- Google International
- Google Mail
- HUD Time
- MiniRadio
- Multi Meter
- My Weather
- Network Meter
- Network Monitor II
- Niederschlagsradar
- Picture Puzzle
- Ping Monitor
- POP3 Mail Checker
- Power Status
- Recycle Bin
- Reminder
- Remove Drive Safely
- Slide Show
- Sticky Notes Online
- Stream Portal
- System Monitor II
- Top Five
- Top Process Monitor
- Unit Converter
- Volume Control
- Weather
- WeatherCenter
- Webradio Sidebar Gadget
- Install software
- Silahkan Pilih Gadget yang di perlukan
- Done 🙂
Size : 20 MB
=> 8gadgetpack 35.0.0 for Windows 10 / 8.1 / 8