PhotoInstrument 7.9.918 Terbaru 2023
PhotoInstrument 7.9.918 Gratis Version Download 2023
PhotoInstrument 7.9.918 terbaru full version merupakan software Desain grafic kecil yang mampu kita manfaatkan sebagai editing dan retouchting photo. Retaouch sendiri maksudnya adalah membuat photo wajah misalnya yang awalnya kusam menjadi lebih mulus.
PhotoInstrument juga telah support editing PSD file ( Photoshop Format ). tools yang disediakan dari software ini cukup banyak sebagai software editing photo, dari mulai liquify, Clone, Smudge, Skin Cleaner, Brush, Blur, Red eye removal, denoise, crop, layer dan masih banyak lagi.
Look down for it is important features:
- Save as Animated Gif
- Support Photoshop-compatible plugins
- Add text to an image.
- Overlay two and more images.– Drag and drop to open photos in this photo editor.
- Copy/Paste image from Clipboard.
- Batch Resizing (resize multiple images)
- PSD file (PhotoShop Format) support in Editing.
- Multi Language support.
- Save to computer as .jpg, .png, .bmp and other file formats.
- Huge brush sizes up to 1000 pixels
- Multi-CPU support
- And many more features…
Current version includes these instruments:
- Liquify
- Clone
- Smudge
- Skin Cleaner
- Glamour Skin
- Dodge / Burn
- Brush
- Blur
- Sharpen
- Colorize
- Scale
- Rotate
- Red Eye Removal
- Brightness-Contrast
- Adjust Color Levels
- Glow
- Healing Brush
- Denoise
- Object Removal
- Crop
- Layers
- Text
- many useful plug-ins
- Whatâ™s new in PhotoInstrument 7.9.918 :
- Add text and overlay to an image
- Other bug fixes and improvements
Langkah Aktivasi ( putuskan koneksi internet )
- Install Software,
- Jalankan PhotoInstrument, klik Buy Now, dan registration
- Lalu gunakan email dan serial yang di sediakan dari “serial.txt”
- done
- salam luar biasa
Size : 5 MB
=> PhotoInstrument 7.9.918 Final | Via Zippyshare
=> PhotoInstrument 7.9.918 Final | via Datafilehost