Folder Guard Professional 23.5 Terbaru 2024
Folder Guard Professional 23.5 [Updated] 2024
Folder Guard Pro full version merupakan sebuah software yang di gunakan untuk melindungi file file penting sobat. dengan software ini, tentu akan merasa aman atas file file pribadi , sekalipun itu komputer pribadi, karena bukan tidak mungkin teman atau kerabat yang iseng menemukan dan melihat video atau file penting lainnya.
Version 10.0
This is a major update that adds many new features and capabilities to Folder Guard, such as:
• The ability to password-protect the shared folders.
• The ability to protect access to the network drives and folders.
• Password-protected folders can now have more than one password, with different properties.
• The stealth-mode is improved to allow the control of the protection via the hot key, in addition to the emergency recovery utility.
• A special NetworkUser name can now be added to the User list to allow to set up the restrictions that would apply to any network user connecting to your shared folders.
• Many subtle changes under the hood improving the functionality of Folder Guard.
Langkah Aktivasi
- Install software nya dulu, pilih Trial 30 day
- kemudian setelah selesai install, jalankan software nya,
- silahkan isi password yang sesuai keinginan, kemudian exit software nya kalo sudah jalan trial
- buka folder keygen, klik kanan keygen pilih run as administrator (wajib !)
- lalu isi data seperti berikut
(registered to : kuyhaa ) ( Computer : 1 ) ( product : folder guard )
- lalu generate, dan akan terlihat done !
- silahkan jalankan folder guard
- enjoy full version
- salam luar biasa
Size : 6 Mb
=> Folder Guard Professional 23.5 Terbaru | via zippyshare
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=> Folder Guard Professional 23.5 Terbaru | via datafilehost