EditPlus 5.5.4182 full terbaru 2022
EditPlus adalah program yang di rancang untuk mempermudah pengeditan text berbasis HTML, PHP, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, C++ , VBScript, Dan Text Lainnya. Serta dapat Menambah Code-Code script yang di inginkan.
EditPlus sangat cocok untuk penulis website ataupun Programmer sebagai alternatif Notepad ++ .
Version 4.0
* Supports keyboard input on column selection.
* ‘Reload unsaved buffers’ option (‘Preferences’->’General’).
* ‘Auto Indent on Paste’ menu option (‘Edit’->’Clipboard’).
* Base64 Encode/Decode commands (‘Edit’->’Convert’).
* ‘Insert spaces instead of tab’ option allows different number of spaces.
* Allows double click on Fonts dialog box.
<Bug fixes>
* Program could crash when loading file in right-to-left language.
* ‘An additional file name’ option for Settings & syntax didn’t work.
* URL highlighting couldn’t handle multiple URLs in single line.
* Print command showed tabs in wrong sizes.
* Drag and drop cliptext item didn’t work correctly.
* Fixes screen update issue when changing font.
* Join Line now doesn’t add extra spaces at the end of line.
* Custom icon for User Toolbar didn’t show correctly in High DPI screens.
* Prevents keyboard column selection being changed by moving mouse pointer.
* Cliptext window couldn’t load ctl files in Unix format.
* Fixes document tab issue on Windows 10 preview.
Langkah Aktivasi
- Instal Software nya, Pilih 32 untuk 32 bit, pilih 64 untuk 64 bit
- kemudian registrasi dengan serial yang di sediakan dari serial
- done full
- salam luar biasa
Size : 4 Mb
=> EditPlus 5.5.4182 full terbaru | Via Zippyshare
=> EditPlus 5.5.4182 full terbaru | Via Datafilehost